German, Low German, Czech, Romanian, Slovak, Italian
Examples: Henrik, Elvira, Ludwig, Katarina, Mirela, Tatiana, Stefan, Raffaello
Reasoning: These kind of names have heavy tropes along the lines that the nation is already steeped in, with the addition of some Eastern Romance languages to give more options. It also adds some cultural ties between Morvalis and Hammerstadt, based on some of their shared history.
Surname Options: Regional surnames are the most common, with “Von” as a common preposition before the below the abstraction layer village or town they are from, or the larger settlements described on the Introduction and Geography page.
For example – “Henrik von Freeholt” “Tatiana Kuzmin von Nocturne”
Family Honorific: Vassal Family names are typically the name of an important figure in the family history, be it a powerful leader who founded the family or performed great deeds, or a powerful symbolic aspect such as the name of a beast with a descriptive adjective.
Example Vassalage Honourifics: “The Jacoby Family”, “the Arlo Family”, “the Plaguewolf Family”, or “the Shadowadder Family”
Vassalage Honorific: There are four Head Families that make up, collectively, the Houses of Dusk. Names end with one of the four Vassalage indicators:
- The Evaeylir
- The Vorgaloth
- The Solarum
- The Lacrimosa
Therefore, a full name for a citizen of Morvalis could be:
Yannik von Strom of the Jeremais Family, Vassal of the Solarum, shortened to Yannik von Jeremias for day to day use.
Morvalis names are potentially more wordy than the rest of the nations, but this reflects their deep-seated cultural reverence for the Houses of Dusk, with names that tell another Morvalin a lot about them – location, vassal family, and who that family is vassal to.
Independent people, known as “lifers” more commonly just go by their surname. If they are a member of a Shadow Company, that is sometimes reflected in their name for the duration of their allegiance to the group and to advertise their services – for example, Stefan von Holtz of the Nocturne Nightowls.
Group structures
It is important to note that the idea of “groups” at Menhirs Fate also include solo players who are playing a character that is the representative for a group that exists “below the abstraction layer” – they are part of the story of that character, but are not necessarily portrayed at the game. A Vassal family might contain a hundred members, between kin, extended family, allied friends and retainers that make up one household, but it is perfectly acceptable for only one or two of these to actually be on the field at Menhirs Fate.
Vassal Families
Many smaller Vassal Families exist throughout Morvalis, and it is within the rights of a Morvalin citizen to establish their own Vassal Family if they can find unclaimed land and provide the necessary people, resources and undead to see it flourish. Newly formed Families petition one of the Houses of Dusk to be created. This is not generally difficult to do as the Houses are always looking for new sources influence and power. Typically a Family is named after a powerful ancestor who founded it, a creature or supernatural beast that represents the family’s values or intent, or even taken from strange writings found within the necropoli with little understanding towards their true meaning. “Families” are not necessarily blood kin; most are extended family by marriage, business pacts and friendship whose values and ambitions align.
The four Houses of Dusk have interests that diverge but compliment each other, reflecting the tenets most important to Morvalin society. Vassal Houses often fall along these lines as well, as they aim to be useful to their overlieges:
The Evaeylir are considered stoic diplomats, and have significant numbers of the clergy under their vassalage. They are the most seen outside of the nation, as delegations from Morvalis to deal with political situations internationally are often made up of Evaeylir diplomats and priests.
The Vorgaloth have large numbers of martial troops under their command, and Dreadguard from Vorgaloth-aligned families are seen throughout the wilds dealing with beasts and bandits alike that may cause problems for outlying settlements. When criminal actions are discovered, it is traditionally the Vorgaloth who wield the axe of justice.
The Solanum are known as patrons of all things magical, and vassal families of the Solanum include some of the most dedicated casters and scholars of magical theory. Both the Shrouded Rock Academy and Nocturne Obscurum are under the patronage of this House of Dusk, and though not all mages are vassals of this house, most have had to give them homage at some point or other.
The Lacrimosa manage much of the network of food, supplies and luxury goods from the outlying fields staffed by a skeleton workforce to the cities, and as such their vassals have a reputation for practicality – the best craftspeople are rewarded for their service to the Lacrimosa, alongside others willing to get their hands dirty.
Not everyone in Morvalis belongs to a family. There are individuals that have not, or will not, join a Family, or do not wish to set themselves up as a nascent Family in vassalage to another. These solitary characters are traditionally aligned instead with the Tenets of Life. This is not an organisation per se; instead, it is the distillation of the Morvalin way – live a good and full life and, when it is over, become one of the Honoured Dead. These ‘Lifers’, as they are often known, pursue their own chosen path in life, whether it be military, economic, religious or otherwise. It is a hard path, no doubt; a Family provides structure, support, security and succour; those without it can sometimes find themselves in need of help from others… for a price.
When a Lifer absolutely has to deal with the Houses of Dusk, it is generally thought that the Lacrimosa are the most sympathetic. This is due to them being by far the youngest of the four Houses – originally vassals who took the place of their overlords, and they maintain relationships with Lifers who served them well before their rise.
Some of the most conservative of the Vassal Families consider Lifers to be a threat to the order of Morvalis – unbound by family obligation and political responsibility. This freedom to act is a scary thing for many, but an escape from expectation for others.
Shadow Companies
Groups of like-minded individuals may coalesce into a Shadow Company. These nationally-recognised groupings often consist of Lifers following the same path in life, but who still do not wish to commit to a Family. Seeking solidarity from their peers, such Shadow Companies are most akin to mercenary groups.
Although they are often units of elite soldiers, often of the same skillset, that provide services to settlements or individuals in exchange for gold and reputation, it is not at all unusual for a group to form around another walk of life. One of the most famous Shadow Companies, the Baker’s Dozen, made their name over thirty years ago as the best banquetiers in Morvalis – and all without Family support. Their story is one that has inspired many others, some with similar success.
Particularly in the case of military companies, they have one goal in mind: To acquit themselves well enough in life that they are raised as Honoured Dead as an elite unit. In this way, they can continue to fight for their nation, doing what they do best. These groups might be formed of people with training in one mode of combat who are the go-to team for certain jobs, or might be a disparate group with varied skills, ready to take on any challenges.
Shadow Companies provide a different service. Although some choose to join a company, others are given a position in one as a last chance to redeem themselves and become Honoured Dead. Perhaps they have been ostracised from their Family for some reason; perhaps they have committed a crime not deserving of death; perhaps they are penniless, without resources, and desperate. Whatever their reason, Shadow Companies like the Bony End and the famous Unto Dust exist to absorb these individuals. There is always a chance for advancement in such companies as well; those who show promise, who turn their lives around, can absolutely rise to prominence and command those who may once have been peers.