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Portavas Naming Conventions

Spanish, Old Spanish, Portuguese, Basque, Galician

Examples: Catarina, Fortunato, Henrique, Luzia, Maximo, Antonio, Xavier, Nico, Velasco, Zorion

Reasoning: Continuing the Western European flavour of some aspects of the nation, Portavas uses Iberian names as standard for forenames.

Surname Options: Portavans are usually defined by their family, ship or trade house, and are named accordingly. The most common surname is defined by the ship a character sails as part of, or owns a share in if they do not sail personally. Some date back as far back as Portavas’ independence, with ownership passed down along with the surname. Ship naming convention is most regularly a noun and an adjective together; sometimes a noun that indicates a historic founder in cases where a group’s original ship is lost. “Di”, “De” and D'” are often used as prepositions, “D'” when preceeding a ship name that starts with a vowel.
For example – “Fortunato di Smiling Selkie”, “Maximo d’Antonio’s Watch”, “Luzia de Red Harpy”
Family names are not used by all, but follow the same Iberian styling, and are usually followed by the location in the nation where the family can be found – Elzano, Ravesso or Galene, for the floating Capital city of Elzano, the Port of Ravesso or the Galene Islands, the assumption being, that if no ship is named the family are far more static. Trade houses also follow this style when they are bigger than just one ship, and usually members take the name of their trade house’s base.
For example – “Catarina Alfonso d’Elzano”, “Xavier di Ravesso”, “Zorion Drago di Galene”

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