All characters
All characters in Menhirs Fate have the following abilities. There is no in game skill associated with these but they are something that any character may do to whatever level they wish to
- Literacy (The player may choose the ability of the character)
- Numeracy (The player may choose the ability of the character)
- Use maps (The player may choose the ability of the character)
- Use compasses (The player may choose the ability of the character)
- Use either a Dagger or One handed weapon (you may not dual wield 2 one handed weapons/daggers without the Ambidextrous skill)
- Use a Buckler with a one handed weapon or dagger
Basic skills
Light armour
1xp This skill allows a character to wear Light armour A character wearing light armour, such as soft leather, furs, Mage armour (this covers all clothing that looks like armour), or padded material (excluding simple cloth) gains two hit points for partial coverage and three hit points for full coverage
With this armour and your base hit points, you will now have a total of 5 hits for partial coverage and 6 for full coverage hit points
While wearing Light armour you are able to cast any Spell/Rite/Ceremony and the “CRUSH” damage effect only does one point of damage
Buying this skill will reduce the cost of Medium armour to 1xp and Heavy Armour to 2xp
Medium armour
2xp This skill allows the character to wear Light armour & Medium armour A character wearing medium armour, such as heavy leather, studded leather or leather scale gains three hit points for partial coverage and four hit points for full coverage.
With this armour and your base hit points, you will now have a total of 6 hits for partial coverage and 7 for full coverage hit points
While wearing Medium armour you may not cast any spell/Rite but you may cast Ceremonies. While wearing Medium armour the “CRUSH” damage effect only does one point of damage
Buying this skill will reduce the cost of Heavy Armour to 1xp
Heavy armour
3xp This skill allows the character to wear Light armour, Medium armour & Heavy armour A character wearing heavy armour, such as chainmail or ringmail, flexible plate (latex/poly plate), or metal scalemail/brigandine gains four hit points for partial coverage and five hit points for full coverage.
While wearing Heavy armour you may not cast any spell/Rite but you may cast Ceremonies. While wearing Heavy armour the “REND” damage effect will do only one point of damage
With this armour and your base hit points, you will now have a total of 7 hits for partial coverage and 8 for full coverage hit points
1xp This allows a character to wield one handed weapon/foci or dagger in their off hand. Characters cannot use 2 Shields or bucklers
Ranged proficiency
4xp This skill allows a character to use a Bow or Crossbow. These weapons always inflict Rend
Shield proficiency
2xp This skill allows characters to use a Shield larger than a Buckler. While using a shield any attacks that hit the shield do not inflict damage on the user. Ensnare, Shatter and Stagger will still cause their effects.
If characters have the shield proficiency skill and the Stagger call from the vigour skill list then characters are able to use Stagger in response to being hit on the shield by a melee attack
This does not allow a character to shield bash or fight unsafely with a shield
Shields slung across your back do not protect you and you take any hits that strike the shield
Thrown weapon
1xp This skill allows a character to use thrown weapons. These weapons always inflict Stagger and can only be used once every 10 seconds
Phys reps must follow all the rules for Thrown weapons.
Initially 2xp, then increases by 1xp each time (E.g. 2xp for the first additional hit point, 3xp for the second additional, etc)
This skill grants a character 1 additional hit point each time they buy it
Two handed weapon
2xp This skill allows characters to use the following weapons: Two handed weapons, Staves, Spears (two handed weapons used in one hand)
Buying this skill will reduce the cost of Polearm to 1xp
3xp This skill allows characters to use the following weapons: Polearms, Pikes. This skill also allows characters to use weapons from the Two handed weapon skill.
Pikes cannot be used to make any Calls