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Basic Skills

All characters

All characters in Menhirs Fate have the following abilities. There is no in game skill associated with these but they are something that any character may do to whatever level they wish to

  • Literacy (The player may choose the ability of the character)
  • Numeracy (The player may choose the ability of the character)
  • Use maps (The player may choose the ability of the character)
  • Use compasses (The player may choose the ability of the character)

Basic skills

Light armour
Medium armour
Heavy armour
Ranged proficiency
Shield proficiency
Thrown weapon

Initially 2xp, then increases by 1xp each time (E.g. 2xp for the first additional hit point, 3xp for the second additional, etc)
This skill grants a character 1 additional hit point each time they buy it

Two handed weapon

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