In Menhir’s Fate, there are many different ways to heal wounds. From Cantrips and more substantial though occasionally perilous Rites, to Physicians who use their mundane skills or apothecary consumables to keep people upright. Each requires the healer/s to expend time and roleplay with their patient, after which they will regain some or all of their hit points.
When performing your roleplay, please use any tools, equipment or props and roleplay out the situation. This may be using bandages to bind a wound, or surgeons tools to roleplay surgery, or smelling salts to revive your patient (These are not an exhaustive list but some examples of healing roleplay). Please make sure any physreps that you are using are larp safe.
If you intend to Execute using this skill please also roleplay an attempt at healing your victim. Unlike other executions this is a subtle strike and the call Execute may be called quietly.
Physician skills
2xp (This skill is needed before taking any other Physician skill)
- The character may spend one minute to restore someone from the critical state to one hit point. The target’s Critical state is paused as soon as you begin the roleplay.
- The character can spend 2 mins to assess and begin treating an infernal wound
- This allows the character to spend 30 seconds assessing a corpse to work out how long they have been dead.
- This allows the character to spend 30 seconds to work out how a person was killed. (if the character also has Advanced Physician they can see evidence of hidden execute)
- This allows the character to spend 1 min to be able to restore 1 hit point to an underdweller (This increases with your physician skill)
Advanced Physician
3xp Advanced Physician requires the equivalent of surgical effort to heal the character. (This effort is purely mechanical you may still use a variety of roleplay effects to heal the person)
The person being healed by this process may not move or take actions such as casting spells using faith powers or using vigour skills but may continue roleplay while being healed by a Physician.
If interrupted the patient goes into a critical state as a result of the healing being interrupted.
This can only be done on a willing target.
- The Physician may spend one minute to restore someone to full hits.
- The Physician may spend one minute to restore someone from the critical state to full hit points.Â
- Allows the character to spend 30 seconds to reset the time on any poison on the target.Â
- The character may spend 30 seconds roleplaying with the target, at the end of which they can call Execute on the target. (This will not leave a physical mark on the target)Â
- When using Execute with this skill please also roleplay an attempt at healing your victim. Unlike other executions this is a subtle strike and the call execute may be done quietly.
Magical Healing
Magical healing can be done via the Cantrip Heal Wounds and through rites in the Water, Fire, Earth, and Athria Spheres