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This is a lesser depository of magic they come in five types: 

  • Earth 
  • Air
  • Water
  • Fire
  • Spirit


This is a large depository of magic they come in five types: 

  • Earth 
  • Air
  • Water
  • Fire
  • Spirit

How are they used? 

Flicker and essence are crystalized magic, these are commonplace among the world. It is a resource of the world. Those who can wield magic use these to amplify the magical power they are able to draw.These can be used in: Rites, Enchanting, Apothecary, It can also be used in weaving

How are they generated?

Each character will start with a set amount of flicker and essence each event. 

Each character will get 1 Essence and 7 Flicker.

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