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Skills List

Every character gets 10 XP to spend at character generation, If you do not spend any XP at character generation you get it banked as xp to spend later.

XP stands for experience points. These are used to purchase the skills outlined below that are used in the game.

A character gains XP after attending their first and 3rd event in a year. Any character experience not spent on your character will carry over to the next character the player has. 

All characters have: Literacy (the player may choose the ability of the character), Numeracy (the player may choose the ability of the character), Use maps, Use compasses, Dagger, One handed, Buckler

* This skill stacks and costs 1 xp more per level taken

Vigour skills

Extra Vigour*2xp*
May the Gods witness me0xp
Fired up!oxp
I’ve seen worse1xp
* This skill stacks and costs 1 xp more per level taken
† This skill is required before taking any other skills in this section

Faith skills

Spiritual Reading1xp
Plea of Refuge1xp
Divine Inspiration1xp
Sanctified Strike1xp
Martyrs Gift1xp
Divine Light1xp
Cleanse Corruption1xp
Soul’s Reflection1xp
* This skill stacks and costs 1 xp more per level taken
† This skill is required before taking any other skills in this section

Magical skills

Extra focus*2xp*
Extra spell**1xp**
* This skill stacks and costs 1 xp more per level taken
** These skills stack but do not increase in cost each time you select them
† This skill is required before taking any other skills in this section
Weave Mastery**2xp**
** These skills stack but do not increase in cost each time you select them
† This skill is required before taking any other skills in this section

Physician skills

Advanced Physician3xp
† This skill is required before taking any other skills in this section

Enchanting skills

Enchanting mastery**1xp**
** These skills stack but do not increase in cost each time you select them
† This skill is required before taking any other skills in this section

Apothecary skills

Apothecary mastery**1xp**
** These skills stack but do not increase in cost each time you select them
† This skill is required before taking any other skills in this section

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