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The Hammerstadt Charter

The Essence of the Hammerstadt Charter

The streets are alive with the hustle and bustle of commerce, the air thick with the scent of molten metal, the sounds of forge magic in production and the shouts of jubilation from the sporting arenas on the Rispetto Way. In this nation, innovation is king, and the pursuit of excellence is a constant drive.

Allegiance is important here and showing it openly is equally so. Tattoos are used to show a variety of things about who you are and what you represent – your Carta, your Syndica, your allies in other districts and agreements you have made therein. Some are permanent, others use Oath-Ink, a magical pigment known only to Hammerstadt that lasts exactly as long as the contract it symbolises.

Magic is given a healthy respect in the city; anyone visiting Hammerstadt will quickly notice that where the castle of Zweiburg once stood there remains now only scorched black earth and a mirage-like shifting of air. Because the unpredictable magic is still volatile in the area, schools have been opened to train those who are naturally talented, funded by the Syndicates in exchange for contract to them. Dangerous mages operating within the city limits without Coterie affiliation are given very short shrift indeed.

Social Dynamics

Built upon a history of revolt against Monarchy and embracing of unifying Charter, Hammerstadt has a reputation of being made up of thugs and rogues, but the truth is more complex. Proud workers are the cornerstone of the people, almost all part of a Coterie, a collection similar to a Union or Gang that operates as a family unit, and to whom loyalty is absolute. Each Coterie answers to one of the five Syndica – the leaders of whom are the final council of decision-making for the nation. Healthy competition is the norm between Coteries, and all strive to bring notoriety to their own people. Independence, cunning, bravado and infamy are not just pretty words. “The only way to fail is to give up” is almost a national motto.

Player Experience

In the Hammerstadt Charter, players can expect to dive into a world where ingenuity, invention, and competition are highly valued. Whether you’re an Enchanter perfecting your trade, a shrewd merchant striking deals, or a zweihander-wielding defender of your city, there’s always a new challenge to conquer. Players will find themselves navigating a complex web of Coterie allegiances and independent affiliates where alliances are key and back-alley dealings are commonplace.

What the Hammerstadt Charter Is Not

Not a Nation of Lawlessness: While morally grey areas exist, the nation as a whole is not corrupt or unlawful. They have a structured way of dealing with conflicts and pride themselves on collaboration and achieving goals together.

Not Monolithic: The nation is diverse in its skill sets and occupations. There is no single way of life or profession that defines all its people.
Not Villainous: Ambition and cunning do not equate to evil. The people are pragmatic and practical, valuing results and efficiency without unnecessary cruelty

Look and Feel

The people of Hammerstadt value conspicuous consumption – they are the fashionistas of the world of Menhirs Fate. In the city, clothes can be bought from tailors, bartered for in markets or fall off the back of a wagon.

Base layers are never white – instead patterned or richly dyed cottons and linens are worn next to the skin; much better for not showing the dirt of the city, displaying personal style and making sure people don’t think you’re Portavian. Half-capes, voluminous trousers, opulent gathered skirts, wide-brimmed hats and laced bodices are all popular.

The fashion in the Hammerstadt Charter is inspired by 1600s-1650s European fashion – Musketeers, English Civil War, Witch-finding, and the multi-layered societies of fantasy cities.

Hammerstadt is a society where loyalties are worn openly, and quite literally, by the extensive use of tattoos. These might show pictorially an affiliation with a particular guild or Coterie, mark important moments in the wearer’s life, or show the terms of an agreement between business partners. Magical ink is used for the latter, which lasts as long as the contract.

Because of this, clothing that can be undone to easily reveal a person’s affiliation is popular: sleeves with buttons all along the length and shirts that can show the neck. Gloves are removed if an agreement is to be had, to make sure there’s nothing up the other’s sleeve.

Further information on the hammerstadt charter


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