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Government and Politics


Hammerstadt is run by its Guilds, known as the five Syndicates, which each have nominal jurisdiction of a District of the city and are responsible for funding the public works within that District – upkeep of their city guard, the sponsoring the schools, infirmaries, public bathhouses and orphanages within their section of the city.

Syndicate-Sponsored Hospitals are the norm, with medical Coteries setting up shop around the city. These usually work like a family business like all other Coteries, with members specialising in certain areas – apothecaries, physicians, battlephysicks and other medical professionals banding together to offer all the services a citizen might need.

Coteries often send a member or two to these for a time, to learn basic surgery in case of industrial accident or common brawl. Some of these consider themselves Scarsmiths, others simply keep the knowledge in their back pocket in case of emergency.

The nominated leaders of these five Syndicates are called the Burghers, who form the members of a council that deals with much of the bureaucracy that keeps the city ticking over. Theoretically any citizen could be lifted to these lofty heights – Hammerstadt prides itself on being a meritocracy, though a link to Coteries with particular reputations certainly help grease the wheel. Occasionally a Burgher is removed from office by vote of no confidence by the Coteries of the Syndicate they represent; all of those who have reached the loft heights of office must be aware that the city will never labour under Tyrants again.

There have always been rumours of corruption in the City, but Hammerstadters are open about their dealings for the most part. Wearing allegiance publicly through Oath-ink tattoos means that the people have developed a simplicity of thought about business deals and alliances – if the culmination of a negotiation is something you have to hide, it better be for a good reason. Bribery is not looked down upon unless it is done for selfish reasons – there is no shame in putting money into public works in the expectation that your Coterie will benefit from it, and those who climb their way to positions of power usually do so because of assistance along the way from multiple mentors, investors and speculators; ignoring these people when you have the ability to repay them is unwise.

There is a sense of collective ownership in Hammerstadt patriotism – the city is built for the people by the people, and though there is poverty, Syndicate membership offers opportunity to all.

Astora Pictures


The nations that Hammerstadt has the best working relationships with are their neighbours in the Commonwealth – the Urdrevan People and the Republic of Portavas – and the nation of Morvalis in the Sanctuaries, with whom they share some history. Largely this is due to the value Hammerstadt places on commerce, and both Urdrevan and Portavas supply the City-nation with much of the natural resources that keep their fires burning.

Space is in shortage in Hammerstadt, so for those who cannot pay for burial or cremation, are without a Coterie to pay for them or need some extra money, the Morvalis Embassy in Corvolis offers a solution. For this reason a constant stream of deceased Hammerstadt Citizens are seen walking the Charnel Road to Morvalis, to join the ranks of their standing armies, recognisable by their Syndica and Coterie tattoos.

Since the Hammerplatz-Zweiburg Civil Wars and events leading to the Charter being created through industrial action and civil boycott, Hammerstadt has become patriotically-opposed to Monarchy and Feudalism, leading to some difficulty in politics with both Avereaux and Valdraeth in the past. Arguments are wont to break out over this in taverns all over the continent around the annual Commonwealth Festival, when Hammerstadters are joined by Portavans and the Urdrevan in celebrating their shared values, but for the most part Hammerstadt offers the open palm to all nations with a pocketful of coin who are willing to spend it.

This focus on commerce goes two ways; several times in its storied history – what is left of it that is known – Hammerstadt has hired private armies from Valdraeth and Morvalis to bolster their own small force against invaders.

Very recently, a group of Kairosi sailors joined the city guard in defence when a Corrupted attack threatened the city. Their crew was heralded as heroes, and made the guests of honour at the Klarasburg Sausage Festival the following week. Souvenirs depicting the brave stand atop the city wall are already being sold in gift shops throughout the city.

Generally Kairos, Syradonia and The Wonder have been a little more frosty with Hammerstadt’s brazen relationship with commerce – it is probably no coincidence that these nations are Hammerstadt’s rivals in craft and industry, and so see the variety that a city like Hammerstadt has to offer with a little less interest. Nevertheless, the Pact that brings all three Realms and all nine Nations together holds strong – Hammerstadters agree that variety is the spice of life, and it would be a funny old world if we were all alike.

Economic interests

As a city-state, the nation knows what it is good at, and that is offering any service, day or night. They pride themself on being able to take a pack of Urdrevan Camelids from a shaggy year’s worth of overgrowth to bolts of wool in whatever pattern the Urdrevan band may want in just over a day, while the beasts chew on Klarasburg’s best hay in a custom stable. Within another day, it can be sewn into any garment the owner desires.

Though industrious as a matter of pride, Hammerstadt is one of the smallest nations and as a result has not been able to offer the frontline fighters that have been fielded in the ongoing war against the Corrupted. Instead they have focused on logistics, forging weapons in the many workshops across the city and stockpiling food as a central hub for the other nations.

Since the alliance between Nations, Hammerstadt has also aided in preventing the breakdown of societies as they once were, by supporting the Guilds, which have provided some modicum of law and order and even purpose in this era of instability and uncertainty.

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