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The Republic of Portavas

The Essence of Portavas

Picture yourself amidst an archipelago of islands and bustling bazaars, where the scent of sea salt mingles with exotic spices. Countless faces from all across the known world bring goods and rumours of riches to a floating city constructed of ships lashed together, ever-changing and always moving.

The people of Portavas are warm and welcoming to travellers, and always eager to question you about your journeys and fortunes. Your map is your story, and the larger it is, the better your tale! They are quick and agile in conversation, mirroring the unpredictable seas they navigate. While they prefer ‘sunny weather’ for business, they are ever-ready to defend their interests when the ‘winds change’. Loyalty to Family, Crew, and Trade House is paramount, with the understanding that unity and trust are essential to keep a ship sailing smoothly. Traditional sailors’ superstition mingles with magic, and unknown secrets lurk beneath the surface.

Social Dynamics

Portavas is a proud seafaring republic, once dominating trade across the known world. Now, an island chain city-state, they specialise in acquisition, exploration, and commerce. “If you can’t find it here, it doesn’t exist,” is a boast often heard in the markets. Their cultural focus is on discovery and giving back to the nation, known as ‘The Price’. While most trade is above-board, dark markets lurk among the isles for those who know where to look.

Their society lacks a feudal system, relying instead on elected political leaders who enact the will of the people. With no suitable land for agriculture, all goods are traded and imported. Trade Houses hold significant power, but Crews and Families are what keep ships sailing. Portavians are easily identified by their flamboyant pearl adornments, and it is not surprising that pearls have become one of their greatest trade products. Because of their tendency to travel to the most treacherous and hidden parts of the map, there is an active market in magical items of historical and archaeological interest.

Player Experience

Players in Portavas will be drawn to explore dangerous unknown places, seek magical treasures, engage in political intrigue, and play the money game. Expect to map the ever-changing world, play swashbucklers and privateers, and uncover ancient secrets. The Republic values exploration, wealth, and unity, and offers a rich environment for diverse characters and thrilling adventures.

Magic in Portavas is manifold, with interests in Water, Fire, Air, Forge, and Fable magics. The gods worshipped are equally varied, reflecting the nation’s extensive travels and encounters with different cultures. Common deities include those of travel, paths, navigation, growth, secrets, commerce, and the sea.

What Portavas Is Not

Not a Nation of Pirates: While pirating may occur during conflicts, it is not a profession. Pirating is an action, not an identity.

Not Totem Users: Decorative wooden carvings used to adorn homes and camps resemble a ship’s figurehead, not spiritual totems.

Not Reflecting the Colonial Pearl Industry: Pearls hold no racial or colonial symbolism. Players are encouraged to use sustainable and ethically sourced pearls.

Not Miserly: Banking is not the cornerstone of Portavas. Wealth is measured by goods, travel, and investments in national growth, not hoarded money.

Not Reflecting Historical or Modern Colonialism: The forceful theft of land and subjugating people is not part of this game. Players should instead strive to negotiate trade routes and map the world.

Look and Feel

Portavas – a land that is quite literally at sea. Portavas is inspired by early-era Elizabethan explorers, the beginnings of the Age of Sail and swashbucklers across media.

Basic costume favours white shirts and chemises with sleeves as baggy as possible, tight doublets and bodices, strings of pearls and wide belts that can accommodate everything a Portavian might need if they were blown overboard. The 1560s-1700 is the range of historical influences we’ve included, before the ‘Age of Piracy’ and the looks it has inspired. This means no powdered wigs, no long waistcoats or frock coats, no tricorne hats.

Instead, more fantasy-based layers mix and match with the historical: hip or thigh length jerkins, sleeveless doublets, lace-up bodices with attached skirts that can layer over leggings or breeches. Underlayers consist of simple plain coloured tunics with large billowing sleeves. Utility belts or harnesses that can hold several pouches are key.

Portavians favour the colours of the sea, from deep petrol-grey to lush greens and corals, in as decadent a fabric as possible – brocades, silks, velvets, patterned cottons and jacquard, with pearls used extensively as jewellery and beading. Portavians are a luxurious people who quite literally wear their wealth on their sleeve.

Further information on the Republic of Portavas


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