Archetypes are particular types of character in each nation, which offer a framework of the default types of mage, priest, warrior, artisan etc within that culture, and a way to think about designing a character who fits into the nation as a starting point, in order to encourage a cohesive nation that can make choices about individuality from that point.
With a fighting spirit and strong sense of honour, these individuals seek to become a part of legend, found always where the fighting is thickest and the chance for glory greatest. The Chevaliers are a force to be reckoned with but all heroes know that if they wish to be truly remembered as one of the greats they must be good in all things, gratitude to one’s company and temperance for the safety of others mean just as much as a sword blow in defence.
Although the common thought that springs to mind when picturing a Chevalier is one of a knight in shining armour with a gleaming sword and majestic pose, a Chevalier in reality could describe any that choose to make their legend through martial prowess – from an archer that has chosen to compete in as many tournaments as possible and master the way of the bow to a humble farmer who has felt the calling of glory and set down their tools in favour of a spear. Not all are martial fighters, there are famous battlemages in their ranks, what singles them out is the spirit – some could say that to be a Chevalier is a way of life. They usually have a particular goal, whether it is to retire with enough coin to buy their own tavern or to join the ranks of the Griffin Guard, that’s what drives them to achieve greatness.

Storytelling – and witnessing great deeds is a way of life in Avereaux. Accompanying combatants in order to make sure brave deeds are recorded and a true (or mostly true) story is told, Chroniclers are scribes and scholars tending to a network of small libraries, bringing stories between them by hand. Some are talented musicians who prefer poetry to prose and to sing their stories, others take notes to compose their epics when safely back in their libraries. It is a rare adventuring party that sets out without recruiting one from their local repository of stories, otherwise, who would tell their story?
The heart of any group, these are responsible for keeping the stories of their family and friends safe and helping to impart the lessons learned by their forebears to the current generation. Although some also are people of Faith, people of any skill set can become Chroniclers – all they need is to want to preserve the stories of the past to guide the future. Some take up arms alongside their party, casting spells or using their faith to inspire.
Chroniclers are a common sight in taverns throughout the land, sharing the tales they have amassed and trying out new narratives on the clientele – a change to the epic moment here or there. Some prefer singing to storytelling, or painting to writing. Medium is not important; what is important is for the story to be told.

Gourmands are experts in the culinary arts, many of whom venture into the world seeking the most unique flavours Elandra can offer. They often have the goal of compiling recipes and expanding their palate until they can refine this knowledge to create that one perfect bite… Gourmands gather knowledge in many ways, from researching flavour profiles of the past in lost archives to infusing dishes with magic to enhance taste, and of course gathering and cataloging new ingredients found in the world. It is not just potions that can have a magical effect on the imbiber, and Gourmands are passionate about trying new ways to heal, mend, buff and encourage the people around them through food and drink.
Gourmands are often to be found joining up with other adventurers to seek these hidden delicacies – who usually agree that the best adventures happen on a full stomach. It is easy to tell when a Gourmand is present whether it be the jangling of their pans and utensils or the pleasant smells on the wind, and you would be lucky to find one tending your campfire testing their new recipes. The only way to become an expert in something is through trial and error, and Gourmands are willing to put in the effort.

These protectors of the faith and the people tend to the many Waychapels along the pathways offering shelter and protection from the dangers between holds. These pillars of the community are respected for the guiding part that they play in so many peoples’ stories; helping to soothe through faith when the world proves trying, and passing on alms from those who can spare coin to those that desperately need it.
Friars are known to play large parts in many charitable efforts including offering a home and care to any displaced by misfortune. With so many charges in their care many of these priests take it upon themselves to learn how to wield weapons to defend those that take shelter in their chapels, but like other parties and troupes skills of many kinds are needed to maintain a Waychapel from healers to crafters. The common dress of these Friars is a loose robe which they use to maintain their friendly harmless appearance at a glance to put people at ease but there could be any weapon or armour hidden beneath these unthreatening garments. Friars will also on occasion accompany their charges on adventures to watch over their found families.
In contrast to the Friars and their countryside chapels there are also larger churches found within the Freeholds proper where grandiose sermons resonating around stunning architecture can be found. Faithful of many focuses and backgrounds gather in these places whether it be to learn from the accumulated texts or to find a band of other faithful to join up with to spread their teachings.
The people of Avereaux love their stories, but that is not the only form of entertainment to be found in the Taverns of this noble land. Alongside every storyteller’s stage you will find appetite for songs, dance, performance art and clownery of all sorts in the old Averlaise tradition of The Bouffon.
Bouffons fill the role of Bards or Actors in Averlaise culture. Originally the profession arose in the early days of the Old Kingdom, as entertainment for the Royals and their guests of high prestige. During the downfall of the established Monarchy, the Bouffons were fortunate that the artisans of their craft maintained their same station in society. Bouffons often have magical skills they work into their performances, or a religious zeal that they convey through their art.
Where Chroniclers excel at recording and recanting true tales, the Bouffons focus on performance. Their craft is filled with whimsical fiction, religious allegory, historical exaggeration for comic effect, and drama to make the most stoic Chevalier weep. As a Bouffon, life is a performance. As Averlaise, life is about forging a story, and the story of the Bouffon is of fame and acclaim on the stage. Glory, to them, is to see their name posted on the notice boards of taverns, and their own souvenirs pinned on the clothes of adoring patrons.
Although not martial by definition, many an adventuring party has a Bouffon among their number, often serving as a point of religious focus, or additional magical strength to bolster their companions. Their mundane skills can serve well to maintain morale among adventurers when times are hard, or the adventures do not go the way of the party, and for this alone they are often treasured as comrades by those they work with.
Most Bouffons can be identified by their signature makeup of geometric shapes around their eyes or on their cheeks – but do note that other ‘classic clown’ features such as white slap makeup, large comedy lip makeup and red noses are not on brief for the Bouffon archetype.
With the great taverns ever growing in size and needs, it is the Freeholders who strive to ensure trade and infrastructure is empowered. Through tact and guile, they seek the very best deals for their hold or family, securing new equipment or leasing the services of their companions to fix the many problems of the world they find themselves in. Most tavern owners are Freeholders, but so are many of the blacksmiths, butchers, bakers, candlestick makers and tinkers who inhabit the Freeholds and the smaller settlements around them.
Some attach themselves to adventuring parties to fund their businesses and find rare items to stock their shelves, others do so in order to provide their fellows with just the right item in their time of need. There are many stories of Freeholders remaking a broken sword before the final challenge a party might face, or finding exactly the right mix of enchanting ingredients for the magical effect a wounded friend may need, or even calling in favours from past trades to bring in allies in their hour of need.
Should a Freeholder find themselves particularly affluent they may rise to the role of a Baron – this is not a title as such but a nickname granted by others that acknowledge their success. With many flocking to these individuals for work and prestige, these Barons then use the fruits of their good favour to sponsor adventuring companies or in other more direct patronage endeavors such as research or the Arts. It is often one of these prestigious Freeholders that sets out contracts and rewards for the many adventurous sorts in Avereaux.
Hedge Mages
Hedge Mages, sometimes called Hedge Wizards, take a far more “practical” approach to magic than the Witches and Warlocks of Valdraeth, wandering between the many smaller villages offering aid and seeking opportunity. They test new theories, they seek the magic abundant in pockets of nature and seek to remedy anything causing harm. On the whole Hedge Mages are curious by nature and often find themselves drawn off the beaten track where they must be resourceful and innovative in their approaches to problems. This often means a hedgemages pack can be found bulging with curios and oddities that only they know the purpose of.
There are many stories of Hedge Mages, with their pointed hats of office, being the catalyst for a hero’s journey, pushing people to get out of a rut and find a new path. They are disruptors by choice, helping people the way they know best – by making sure they are brought along for the ride, challenged and forged as a person anew, with new skills and a new outlook.
Some Hedge Mages are itinerant, travelling from Hold to Hold, while others are regular faces in communities. When one of these travelling Hedge Mages does finally arrive at their destination they are often greeted by chroniclers, eager to see what new weird and wondrous discoveries they have made. It’s a rare party that doesn’t have a Hedge Mage in their employ, or at least one on hand they can check in with when they face particularly difficult challenges; some Hedge Mages work on contract, some stick around for as long as they’re tolerated and others spew wisdom from deep in the mud.

At home in the wilds, these peerless scouts patrol the many pathways ensuring they are safe to travel. Their specific set of skills in bushcraft and hunting making them experts at tracking down and removing problems, be it a rogue beast wandering too close to a farm or a child getting lost in the woods.
Striders accept the contracts that many would refuse on the basis of not knowing where to begin searching. Many practice archery and ranged spells so as to remain hidden and safe when fighting large beasts, and these skills make them invaluable allies to an adventuring company.