With no Monarch in place, nation-spanning decisions have been handled by meetings of the Freeholds, led by respected civic figureheads called Mayors, who chair the local civic councils in each Freehold. Mayors speak for their Freehold, and may raise issues for everyone to consider. In the event of a tie the Chamberlain of the former Royal Estate acts as the fifth voice, standing in as the voice of the Monarchy as they did when the ruling monarch was at war or indisposed. They are not allowed to raise votes themselves as this is an honour reserved for the former royalty – a Chamberlain doing so would be a gross misstep.
Broadly the people of Avereaux are not as concerned for political machinations as other nations may be. Those who have an interest in local government take a seat on a council, work their way up and may eventually become a Mayor, but it is a position that confers paperwork rather than prestige. On the other hand, it is not without its bloodshed – at least once the ceremonial mace of Phoenix Rest has been wielded in anger when a council meeting has gone on over six hours.
Recent history has shaken things up – the death of King Lambert without an heir to be found was a blow, but the Averlaise have done what they always do – put together groups of people who want to help, and armed, armoured and outfitted them for the job at hand. The spirit of Avereaux is a difficult one to crush.
Perhaps it is the symbiotic relationship with the Monarchy that has led to this national attitude – for centuries the Monarchs ruled, for better or worse, and the Averlaise got on with the day to day workings of the country; allowing their Overlieges to hunt Basilisks, lead armies and carouse in disguise in Grand Taverns with abandon while the country still lived in relative peace.

Factions have cropped up from time to time, especially in periods of instability where two heirs vied for position in the aftermath of a monarch’s death. Usually these have been cults of personality, especially where both sides are renowned heroes in their own right. The most remembered of these was the brief civil war between Prince Gauvain and Princex Lux, the younger children of Queen Melisend, some two centuries before the present. Both factions rallied around their chosen successor, and details are lost but there are a hundred stories about how it ended – killing each other on the field of battle and causing an illegitimate third party to be crowned by both sides, as the Queen now known as Iseult the Peacemaker.
As for foreign policy, in recent years Avereaux has most often held a stance of moderate neutrality; not wishing to overstep the codes and ethics of other nations, but with a strong leaning towards honour and valour. This is still present when forming opinions of other nations.
Valdraeth and Avereaux are unlikely bedfellows in the Crownlands, and it has often been with the assistance of their third Realm nation The Wonder that small disagreements do not turn into full schisms. What they agree on though is action, and when working together on the field of battle they have proved an indomitable force. The more disciplined troops of Valdraeth value the wildcard nature of Avereaux adventuring parties accompanying them – acting as distractions, creating chaos and when partnered up as one force, military assistance that can cut through the armies of the Corrupted with more adaptability than other nations have managed.
Their shared effort is also seen in the Ashen Vigil, a treehouse structure in the Wonder that overlooks the region of Thornsthorpe, now a burnt shell of its former forest, stricken with pockets of poisonous gas and ash. As a current weak point in the Crownlands, adventuring parties have been travelling there of late to assist their neighbours in maintaining watch on this battle front. This is not a national effort across the Crownlands, and purely done by Averlaise and Valdraeth volunteers, but there have been suggestions that a formal agreement of the three nations could alleviate the strain on The Wonder in keeping the Vigil going.
The Wonder is also a great source of resources that Avereaux has craved at various points in their shared history, but the forest is not easy to conquer, and the people of the Wonder live in a kind of symbiotic relationship with their home. It does offer some bounty to Avereaux however – both in rich trade networks, and in the regular stream of magical creatures that escape the bounds of the forest and the rich pockets of Fable, Athria and Earth magic within. These provide a good source of income for adventurers, both in keeping the border safe and in harvesting of these exotic creatures.
Beyond their Realm, Portavas and Avereaux maintain a good relationship, sharing a sea and therefore able to supply materials to the maritime nation that they have little access to. Portavas also takes regular transport of parties who wish to venture further afield, and “running off to Portavas” is a common phrase to describe one with wandering feet that can’t be satisfied at home.
Hammerstadt and Avereaux have historically butted heads – although Avereaux is nominally a republic now, Hammerstadters are quick to point out that this is not by choice. Where Hammerstadt and Portavas threw off the yoke of monarchy, Avereaux seems perfectly content to consider this period an interregnum between rulers, rather than a true republic that has been fought for tooth and nail. Hammerstadters refer to them as having a monarchy even today, with no monarch sitting the throne.
Kairos has maintained a trade network with Avereaux since time immemorial, although in recent years it is Morvalis who individual Averlaise are likely to see and know more deeply. The Adventurer’s Guild has been of great interest to both nations, who value travel, protecting those who cannot protect themselves and exploring the wilds. Though the temperaments may seem vastly different, these nations treat each other with a healthy dose of respect and fascination when they meet.
Economic Interests
Avereaux has been blessed in the fact that its lands have always been ripe with opportunity for crops. From the wide ranging barley fields of Windchase Hold, to the fertile herb-strewn volcanic soil beneath the Embermount, to Riverside priding itself on the fish and game native to the Millturn, Avereaux is rich in crops, and has little need to import food. Unless, that is, it is of particular interest to the many gourmands in the nation who value the strange and exotic. Raw foodstuffs are turned into hearty dishes beloved across Elandra, and exported via the sea routes to Portavas, Kairos and Hammerstadt, and by road to The Wonder and beyond. That is not to speak of the ciders, ales, fruit juices and other beverages that can be found in the collections of the wealthy of all nations, exported from Avereaux’s holds.
Irondelve, though not the largest of mining communities, is lauded for the quality of the ore brought up from the depths, and the metalworks forged there have proven to be a popular commodity. Experience and skill is held in high regard in Avereaux and an opportunity to train under a master of any given discipline is considered a worthwhile investment indeed. Masterwork weapons are worth their weight in gold, and though the forges of Irondelve do not have the output of similar centres of industry in Syradonia or Hammerstadt, the quality is renowned, and some warriors will wait a lifetime for the chance to own one of these tools of battle.
Finely bound tomes crafted by Chroniclers of the small libraries that pepper the holds are also a popular export; whether they be empty ready for someone else’s works or an expertly curated volume of epic tales or poetry.