At first, when the Court of Daggers came to prominence internationally it was met by a certain amount of distrust by Wonderfolk – like Kairos they had their own way of doing things, based on mediation and reparation, which sometimes did mean capital punishment. Ever practical and considered, however, some Wonderfolk joined the ranks early on to ensure the processes of judgement laid out by the Court of Daggers was not beset by corruption.
There is still a lot of emphasis on mediation – Alderbrands in particular will try to ensure a situation does not get to the point where the Court need to be contacted.
The Treasure Hunter’s Guild appeals to the explorative nature of Wonderfolk, and alongside their fellow Crownlanders the Valdrae and Averlaise they have made a concerted effort to rediscover lost treasures. Wonderfolk tend to be less mercenary than others in the Guild; when information has been gained they prefer to barter it for similarly valuable intelligence rather than sell it for coin.
The Wonder provides a lot of the magical essence and flicker and used by mages in the Crownlands for their rites, and crafters for their enchantments, so the Guardians of the Menhir and Dryads of the Wonder maintain a good relationship to ensure these mechanisms do not break down to the detriment of all humankind against the Corruption.
The Adventurer’s Guild is broadly approved of, as an international fellowship of sorts, encouraging people to pursue their story and to find themselves through challenge. Many a Wonderfolk has found it the crucible of their success, and brought experience and skill back to the Wonder as a result.