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  11. Magical interests

Magical interests

Unlike other nations who can point to the magical sites that occasionally create strange magical occurrences, the Wonder is a magical site. The very air thrums with magic, mostly of the Earth Sphere, but with large amounts of others depending on seasonal changes like the weather and temperature, but also seemingly spontaneously.

Athria magic is common in Gloomgard, especially during Spore Season, when much of the nation travels out of the region, or moves into underground shelters to avoid toxic spores. Underdwellers, necromantically charged beings from the Athria Sphere inhabiting corporeal or incorporeal bodies are common threats in the deep places of Gloomgard for this reason.

The Meering appears to have rifts to the Water Sphere in its deep eddies around the coast, and creatures like Kelp Dragons are sometimes reported. Selkies and kelpies are common, especially during the magical flooding festival called the Cascade, when Æbelgard is filled with water from a mystical source. The newly explored region of Ettamora also appears to have high concentrations of Water Sphere magic, although this largely manifests in magically poisonous plant and animal life.

Magical education is not a formal process, with most being taught by more experienced mages in informal settings and learning how to interact with a powerful, if occasionally dangerous tool. Respect for their lands causes a respect for magic with the two so deeply entwined.

Magical Creatures

There are a vast array of magical creatures in the Wonder, mostly avian and insect, but amphibians are also a common sight. These seem to be in larger variety than outside the forest, and in a brighter hue of colours.

Mammals are rare, and those that are seen are more commonly escapees from the Fable Sphere, or from Urdrevan drovings that have run wild away from their caretakers. Mammalian animals in the Wonder have a tendency to adapt or change, transforming over time into varieties not seen outside the forest’s boundaries.


Ubiquitous around the nation, Sylvans prefer to be in groups, a lone Sylvan is a rare sight. Groves tend to give over some of their land left untouched so that travelling Sylvans have a place where they might rest with good moist earth and sunlight aplenty. Though many have risen up alongside their human allies and bonded with a Bloomtender, many more roam free, travelling alongside pilgrim travellers or following paths according to some internal compass.

The Crowned Frog

The Crowned frog gets its name for its size; many creatures that can survive the Wonder are usually those of above average size but this frog is the size of a horse, and has the appetite of five. Many tales start with kissing a Toad or Frog to reveal a prince or princess; kissing this one would be it wrapping its large tongue around you and swallowing you whole, and maybe you would find a prince or princess half rotting in its stomach. You need not worry too much about being this one’s snack. Usually they can be heard croaking loudly when the Wonder gets quiet is when you should be looking to see if you are its prey.

Crimson Bee

These bees are given their name for their deep red hue. Their honey is renowned for having healing properties and its rich sweet taste is sought by many but getting it is one that has taken many people’s lives. As the Crimson bee is carnivorous in nature, its string is more like a pair of ultra sharp shears and its saliva has a fast acting reagent that breaks down flesh so they can harvest the sugars from the blood and meat. One or two are not a bother, but a swarm of Crimson Bees, if threatened, can strip all the flesh of a person in an hour.   


Bandersnatch are furred predators roughly the size of a tiger, six-legged,  with a long neck and snapping jaws. Bandersnatch are known for their tremendous speed, and for their “frumious” or boiling quality whereby they are said to exhale hallucinogenic mist. Bandersnatch are of very rudimentary intelligence, but are capable mimics. There are many stories of bandersnatch with more outlandish qualities such as shape-shifting or posing riddles or granting wishes, but much of that may be put down to exaggeration or the effects of their toxic breath. Bandersnatch are known to mate for life, and to relentlessly hunt humans in vengeance for slaying their mate, and thus sometimes feature in poetry or song as symbols of loyalty.

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