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Military Interests

The Wonder at war is like fighting a forest come to life. Bloomtenders summon the fury of the trees; Sylvans from the myriad of plant life within the Wonder that can break bone and shatter shields as solidly as roots can break foundations.

The Wonder believes strongly in cultivation and does so with their skills as much as their allies within the forest, forming unbreakable bonds with these creatures to defend their shared home. The land itself can be used to great advantage in the Wonder and the warriors known as Verdants use the terrain to their advantage while supporting Sylvans as they wreck havoc among a line of enemies.

The might of the forest is only half the equation with subtlety and cunning being equally important within the shade of the leaves. The people of the Wonder are not afraid to use the stranger elements of their home with poisons drawn from the forest being a common method to add to the confusion and difficulty in attacking their home. They have a unique environment and they know how to use it to its fullest. The forest is inherently magical and the people use this alongside mundane advantages, once again cultivating themselves and the land to great effect.

The structure is fairly loose, with Warbands that patrol regularly and defend the Wonder on a local scale, all the way to grander Warbands called to war by the Ambergrove and directed by those who have proven themselves as leaders.
The Wonder’s Warbands have been sighted in the rest of the Crownlands fighting alongside their neighbours against the corruption but have not advanced much further beyond that. Their home offers unique advantages and an enemy beyond their borders is a new challenge but one they are keen to rise to like everything else.


Creatures of the forest itself, Sylvans resemble a variety of plant life that tends to look somewhat humanoid but on closer inspection can seem quite alien. Bark for skin and sap for blood, the Sylvans dearly love their forest home and live in a state of symbiosis with the Wonderfolk to defend it. Some grow to a monstrous size and have been known to act as living siege weapons while others have shown the ability to emit poisonous spores.
Primarily working with the Bloomtenders who help with coordination and care for them, Sylvan can live for centuries and bond with multiple Bloomtenders over their lives.

OC Note: Players cannot be Sylvans. Every player character at Menhirs Fate is a human. Sylvans are designed to be a part of the background lore for the Wonder that makes their military more magical and thematic and may turn up in plot for the Wonder to resolve.

Players who are playing the Bloomtender archetype can have a Sylvan that is their sworn companion, but these creatures remain outside of Haven while they are in attendance. Writing a Sylvan into a backstory is fine, as is having bonded with one as a Bloomtender, no other archetype has this strong bond but they are a common sight in the Wonder.

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