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Government and Politics

In the before times, when the world was an easier place to live, Valdraeth was ruled by a Feudal Monarchy, with the Refined offering advice and tithes in return for their lands and protection. Much of their time was spent trying to gain more favour over their peers for greater rewards, and working on their own personal power and reputations.

The Refined kept loose reins on their fiefdoms in turn, ensuring they were efficiently run, and the people in their fiefdom lands were happy enough. After all, you didn’t want an angry bard singing your flaws on your doorstep for all to hear.

With the monarchy now fallen, and as the Refined fled their lands in the wake of the corruption, what gave them a steel grasp of control over their lands, became lost to them. They no longer have anyone above them to beseech for aid or favour, and now must turn reluctantly to each other to find new power and build alliances.

After all, they were not truly fallen, merely interrupted, inconvenienced. They would get their lands back some day. Their people would need to be governed and someone… someone had to figure out what to do about the missing heir. Maybe they should stop looking. Maybe a suitable replacement already stood among them… maybe even…?

Crushed into the last remaining corner of the once sprawling nation, the surviving Refined now have a chance to reshape the way things are run. This is a fresh, slightly singed and battle worn, start.

Whilst the political state of Valdraeth could only be kindly described as upended, the remains of governing bodies still work behind the scenes to ensure things don’t get too out of hand. This difficult and often grueling task belongs to those awarded the title of Keeper. 

There are five Keepers ensuring daily life still runs in Valdraeth, they are:

Torrald – Keeper of Stories. 

Responsible for the domains of religion and preserving the nation’s historical interests and records, Torrald is the head of the lorekeeps. Rumoured to have met the Taletor as a child and survived. 

Gaircas – Keeper of Spirit.

Responsible for the festivities and cultural interests of the nation, Gaircas is head of the bardic order. Gaircas is partially deaf and has a permanent injury to their throat, making their voice raspy and singing a strain.

Ardrastae – Keeper of Steel.

Responsible for organising the military defence of the nation, Ardrastae oversees the Stalwart people who fight on the front lines. Born of noble birth she boldly chose her sword and her people over her lands.

Iontach – Keeper of Subtlety.

Responsible for making sure magic is utilised somewhat sensibly and does not get too out of hand, Iontach is head of warlocks and witches. Much older than they look, they took part in coordinating the weaving of the mantle.

Deargsmal – Keeper of Seals

Responsible for the political interests of the nation, delicate negotiations, and lots of paperwork, Deargsmal can usually be found in their family home of Andhien, busy with ink stained hands. In the past, the Deargsmal family stood as close advisors to the crown.

Mirroring these national positons on a local scale and also advising the Keepers on regional interests and issues, are the Draig. In times before, each territory had their own set of Draig responsible in a similar way to the Keepers. Whilst the Keepers answered directly to the crown, the Draig answered both to the Keepers and the Refined of that territory. 

Without territories to advise upon, the Draig have largely become defunct. But there is ample opportunity for new Draig to rise in the future as the Corrupted are pushed back.


In the before times, when the world was an easier place to live, Valdraeth was ruled by a Feudal Monarchy, with the Refined offering advice and tithes in return for their lands and protection. Much of their time was spent trying to gain more favour over their peers for greater rewards, and working on their own personal power and reputations.

The Refined kept loose reins on their fiefdoms in turn, ensuring they were efficiently run, and the people in their fiefdom lands were happy enough. After all, you didn’t want an angry bard singing your flaws on your doorstep for all to hear.

With the monarchy now fallen, and as the Refined fled their lands in the wake of the corruption, what gave them a steel grasp of control over their lands, became lost to them. They no longer have anyone above them to beseech for aid or favour, and now must turn reluctantly to each other to find new power and build alliances.

After all, they were not truly fallen, merely interrupted, inconvenienced. They would get their lands back some day. Their people would need to be governed and someone… someone had to figure out what to do about the missing heir. Maybe they should stop looking. Maybe a suitable replacement already stood among them… maybe even…?

Crushed into the last remaining corner of the once sprawling nation, the surviving Refined now have a chance to reshape the way things are run. This is a fresh, slightly singed and battle worn, start.

Valdraeth have an ancient rivalry with Avereaux and have been in several bloody wars across a thousand years.

Economic Interests

With the abundance of Hedge, woodland, wilderness, and the influence of fable magic, Valdraeth has more than its fair share of reagents useful for both alchemical processes and magic, and creating pigments for art, makeup, and dyes. While the corruption has disrupted the nation and its organisation heavily they remain a great source of knowledge and rare magical reagents and many across the world are eager to trade for things among the stranger places in Valdraeth.

Valdraeth may have knights and castles but they are historically not great miners and smiths. Ore and mined materials are not their speciality nor focus and they do not have the time or skill to work with them. While they may be able to outfit their people well made weapons from other lands are seen as near magical in quality, and metal armours are prized.

Much trading between Valdraeth and other nations is done in the more accessible sprawl of the Valley lands, and items of note typically make their way from there to wherever fetches the highest price. The wider nation handles many smaller trades but sometimes will send groups to trade in the Valley where they expect to have access to the hub of activity and international trade that is unlikely to brave dangerous and magical places they do not understand and more important respect as the Valdrae do.

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