This is a land fallen from its past glory, and its military is no different. What is left of Valdraethan defenses are the battered meagre remains of its once strong military, supported by brave volunteers, knights, local guards, and the sworn stalwart.
Whilst in the past Valdraeth and Avereaux have squabbled, the sights of this nation are now firmly set upon reclaiming its own lands and restoring its lost prestige. What is left of Valdraeth now owes it to what once was, and the many sacrifices made. And this way lies the future, if any is to be had.
With little unifying the nobles who could have supplied a military and the corruption devastating large amounts of the infrastructure and experience who might direct an army, it would be an uphill battle to try and create stable armies for Valdraeth.In times gone by, the armies of the noble houses united under the Monarchy of Valdraeth were a sight to behold. Ranks of knights supplemented by loyal footsoldiers, Warlocks supporting with tremendous magical might and Lorekeepers advising and exploiting any weakness drawn from vast stores of knowledge.
Valdraeths magical heritage is as on display here as any other part of society. Nobles who have their own military backing can be as much powerful sorcerers as they are knights and the power of magic will be an intrinsic part of how they fight a war.