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Introduction and Geography

The nation of Syradonia are devout people who are defined by their ability to survive and even thrive in an environment that would be lethal to most individuals. By natural disaster, they have been forced into a corner and their refusal to give up comes from both faith and the wealth of the earth that shelters them.

Before the Corruption they actively maintained an industry of great crafts and this only intensified during their move to the underground when forced to retreat. The people value their connection to the Gods; led by the Order of Faith working together from their great underground cathedrals, religious devotion forms a significant amount of the day to day life of the average Syradonian.

The wealth of minerals forms the other pillar from which their society stands tall. Understanding well that a life of drudgery would end in brutal rebellion, the Order of Luxury provides beauty and comfort to what might otherwise be a hard and difficult life underground. Like the Geode that is sometimes used as a symbol of Syradonia, the land they mine is a hidden gem of materials no one else has the skill to work with or access to from the depths, and their lives are centred around working it, protecting it, and enjoying the fruit of their labours.
As a people they are resolute. Alongside the rest of the Sanctuaries, Kairos and Morvalis, they rely on their faith and magic to maintain their lives, but they realise that this will only succeed if they work together.


The entire nation lives underground and in a gigantic cavern city. This presents many challenges but the Syradonians have adapted and thrived in their underground sanctuary for many years.
The world contains many wonders and magic even in the depths which provide the basics for what would become Syradonia. As magic gathered in the ground it grew into a variety of crystals. Light-shines-Bright-down-in-the-dark affectionately known as the Bright is a giant lightstone in the centre of the cavern that simulates daylight. A large underground lake full of similar crystals gave a source of clear water and the magic in the crystals made the water safe enough for consumption in the early days before a filtration system was figured out.
It seemed almost providence that the Syradonians had found exactly the refuge they needed.

The Gods Districts

The City is divided into twelve districts for each God. Spread throughout are hundreds of Domus, Order buildings and religious buildings clustered together and at the centre the jewel of Syradonia, the Great Forges. 

Each district is named for the god that is worshipped there and referred to in the structure of “God”-Under-The-Mountain, for example, Celebrant-Under-The-Mountain. The first buildings carved into the walls were giant cathedrals with worshippers of each God gathering to support each other in difficult times. The passage of time and the need to expand the city to accommodate more people has forced these buildings to become freestanding structures no longer part of the walls as the city has increased to a marvel of underground engineering. As the city expands, the process repeats and new buildings are carved into the walls as they inch ever further out with dedicated Hewers excavating and patrolling tunnels to keep everyone safe.

The Forge District

The Forge district is a series of furnaces, forges and smithies constantly aflame and attended by people from across Syradonia. Here the primary industry of the nation is forged, hammered and tempered into a myriad of goods that can be sent to their own markets or sent above ground with Tyrians from the Order of Luxury.
The forges network throughout the streets at the centre like a living beating heart of fire and metal. Contrasting against the flame and sweat of work are the largest concentrations of bathhouses and spas generating a heavy layer of steam over the area.

The High Bulwark

The Bulwark is the only significant structure in Syradonia above ground, a huge fortress at the mouth of the cave that leads down into Syradonia. The main fortress contains a variety of offices for the administration of those entering and leaving Syradonia alongside myriad military barracks containing the defenders stationed along the walls. Beyond the entrance is a series of concentric walls that are used to break up how anyone can attack and force them to fight on the Syradonians terms. These contain further fortresses, siege defenses along the wall and large gates interwoven with defensive magic for enhanced resilience all forming a defensive network that has yet to be breached.

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