Syradonia is by all accounts the most recently founded of all nine nations, though excepting the knowledge that they started out as a Kairos mining expedition, very little information about the founding of the nation remains.
What is known is that roughly 300 years ago a mining expedition from Kairos was cut off from returning and roughly 20 years later the nation of Syradonia was founded. In the years to follow the fledgling nation built around the areas largely untouched between the coastal areas of Kairos and the darkness of Morvalis until several outposts has been established. Due to the Fading very little infomation remains of what exactly this cities looked like and even where they are
The new and latest city of Syradonia came into being roughly 100 years ago as a result of calamities upon the surface, the ground itself shifting and roaring, the Syradonians retreated in the only direction left to them. Later understood to be a result of the Corrruption, the Syradonians moved back into the vast mountain range on their land in an attempt to find shelter and discovered a giant cave mount.
Descending into the ground in the hope of even temporary shelter the Syradonians found instead a true haven.
In the last thirty six years since the Pact of Nine Nations, which united the nine nations and three Realms of Elandra against the Corruption, life has gotten more restricted in some ways and more open in others. The Guilds’ presence in the city has given opportunity to citizens with wandering feet to see some of the world beyond, but equally there have been periods where food variety and luxury goods have been restricted by what is able to be brought in overland.
The Fading
Immediately following the Pact, the event known as the Fading has further prevented new progress in the nations; this was some sort of unknown magical calamity which affected and continues to affect the spread of information and its retention – both on paper and in the minds of all people across Elandra.
Land beyond the boundaries of the Corruption is no longer remembered as it should be; it is as if the memory of it has been washed away, and the records of such are blank or missing too. Information from before the Pact is similarly difficult to find, and impossible to recall for those who lived through it.
Other information is similarly missing from recall by all the remaining powers of Elandra, though some snippets of the past are found in oral traditions, festivals and the echo of memory on culture of each nation.
The study of history has been devastated by this calamity, as it is no longer possible to be certain of fact with so many relied-upon sources being unavailable. The record-keepers and historians of every nation have tried to maintain some form of order, but there is a lot beyond mortal knowledge that was once known to all, and it is an ongoing exercise to share what little remains.
Scholars generally blame the Corrupted for having caused this – severing connection to whatever is beyond their borders using foul magic of some kind, but the search to recover what has been lost is a massive international effort.
The main issue plaguing Syradonia as a result of the Fading is hard knowledge of their origins. While they know they came from Kairos very little of what happened in between then and now survived due to the relative newness of the nation and turmoil making record keeping hard in the early days and what has survived being affected by the Fading.