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  7. Weavemarks Overview

Weavemarks Overview

Weavemarks are an additional element to the world of Elandra, where the Spheres of Magic overlap with the mortal sphere, and can affect the human inhabitants of the world by subtly altering their appearance and bringing out character quirks that subtly encourage their demeanour in particular directions.

Also known as “Visages”, “Weaveshapes”, “Sphere-marks” and “Gifts”.
A Weavemarked person may also be called “Marked”, “Sphere-marked” or “Visaged”.

Weavemarks are:

  • Not genetic. There is no connection between weavemarks and family relationships.
  • Picked up through a variety of sources. Excessive use of magic or proximity to strong sources of Sphere magic can cause a person to become Marked. Potions and rites can similarly confer a Visage to a willing subject.
  • Temporary. Weavemarks can be removed easily through potion use and rites, or can stay with a person through their whole life if they choose.
  • Viewed neutrally in society. There is no discrimination against particular spheres’ weavemarks on a national or realm-wide level.
  • A “Gift”. This might be wanted or unwanted, and considered a blessing or a curse by the person it is bestowed on.
  • Part of a person’s story. Some Marks are stubborn, and in those cases a Elandrian might go on a personal journey to find out why the Weaveshapes are part of them before they can be rid of them.
  • Not just physical. Weavemarks nudge their wearers towards problem-solving in the way that makes most sense to their Sphere. They do not modify behavior but they do encourage ways of thinking about the world.
  • Distinct. There is no way to merge the spheres to create new Weavemarks, or mix and match from two or more spheres at once. When Marks appear from a new Sphere, any remaining Marks from another Sphere disappear.

Out of Character Intention

This is an entirely opt-in part of the world, which encourages a wider variety of aesthetics, make up options and costuming choices that may appeal to some players.

Weavemarks are intended to provide additional ideas for backstory elements and an additional layer of characterisation, as well as allowing players to have a personal attachment to one of the Magical Spheres if chosen.

Weavemarks also have associated roleplay prompts that can affect your character’s demeanour and enhance a character’s story if chosen.

Weavemarks are not intended as a metaphor for mental illness, disability, race or narcotic use.

Instead in-world it is believed that Weavemarks enhance what is already there – elements of a person’s psyche that are in balance when not marked are given more emphasis due to the alignment with a sphere. Some people are more naturally aligned with a particular sphere and only need a little push to become weavemarked, perhaps through casting a lot of rites of that sphere or living in an area with particularly high amounts of background magic. Others might be more of a surprise to be under the effects of suddenly, and cause a bit of a shake up to their personality, perhaps revealing things previously unconsidered. 

This is first and foremost intended to be opt-in, as additional potential character storytelling.

For accessibility reasons, each Sphere’s Marks includes: 

  • A related eye color.
  • Ideas for aesthetically pleasing makeup options.
  • Ideas for more monstrous makeup options.
  • Non-prosthetic phys reps.
  • Non-eye related phys reps.
  • Roleplay effects – both positive and negative attributes, compiled carefully to avoid encouraging antisocial behaviour.

“Stubborn” Weavemarks

Of course, some people find their connection to the Spheres to be more stubborn. Theorists have debated the reasons some Marks resist removal; some people’s personalities are particularly aligned with their Marks, or their Marks represent a memory or person that they are clinging on to. 

Some people find that it takes significant life changes, or personal development, before the usual cures will work…

As an example, a player might choose for their character to be affected by Earth Weavemarks after travelling through part of the Wonder. Although easy to remove, the character may decide that the additional stubbornness and forward-thinking influences the Gift bestowed actually helps them pursue their goals. They may later be involved in magical plot that bestowes Forge Weavemarks on all who are involved (and choose to opt-in), but the marks are “stubborn” and the player decides their character won’t be able to remove them until they can solve the problem they are currently working on.

At every point the decision is made out of character by the player to have or lose their Marks, there is no way to force another character to be Marked.


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