Weavemarks are an additional element to the world of Elandra, where the Spheres of Magic overlap with the mortal sphere, and can affect the human inhabitants of the world by subtly altering their appearance and bringing out character quirks that subtly encourage their demeanour in particular directions.

Key Words:
Death, Control, Necromancy
Caring, Protective, Carefree, Indulgent, Slow to anger, Forgiving, Demure, Mindful, Appreciative of life, laid back, Enablers, Languid, Slow to Rouse, Too Chill, Whatever makes you happy

Phys reps:
- Streaks or highlights of white or black hair,
- Sunken eyes,
- Brow prosthetics,
- Black veins,
- Black ichor,
- Necrotic decaying flesh,
- Bone pushing out of skin,
- Elongated creepy fingers(claws/nails),
- Mushroom growths
OC Note: using makeup to make the skin paler is not a part of the Athria Weavemarks brief
Optional Contact Lens Colour: Black/Purple

Roleplaying effect:
Athria people are Revellers
They are often taking care of others
At their best they can be caring, serene people who savour life
At their worst, they can be apathetic and indulgent enablers

Character examples:
Uncle Iroh, Shaggy (Scooby Doo), Radagast the Brown (The Lord of the Rings), Baloo the Bear (The Jungle Book), Senchi (Delicious in Dungeon), Halsin (Baldur’s Gate), Nanny Ogg (Discworld), Thoros of Myr (Game of Thrones), The Librarian (Discworld)