Weavemarks are an additional element to the world of Elandra, where the Spheres of Magic overlap with the mortal sphere, and can affect the human inhabitants of the world by subtly altering their appearance and bringing out character quirks that subtly encourage their demeanour in particular directions.

Key Words:
Warmth, Light, Draconic, Markings, Scars, Lightning, Lizards.
Passionate, Hopeful, Optimism, Prone to burning out, Honest, Showy, Grindset, Vindictive, Vengeful, Wants to inspire, Consumers, Ambitious, Relentless, Persistent, Dogged, Shouldering other people burdens, inflexible, unrelenting, Sunk cost fallacy, headstrong

Phys reps:
- Lichtenberg scars,
- Red lava skin patches,
- Draconic scales,
- Blackened smoke lines,
- Blackened fingertips,
- Leathery scales,
- Red scarring,
- Demon horns, spines and ridges.
Fire Sphere horns are short and straight or lightly curved. More curved, animalistic varieties belong in the Fable Realm.
Optional Contact Lens Colour: Red/Orange

Roleplaying effect:
Fire people are Fighters [Mentally rather than Physically]
They are often keeping the team going
At their best they are passionate, honest and ambitious
At their worst, they can be burned out shouldering others burdens, and unrelenting in doing what they believe

Character examples:
Anime protagonists, Girlboss CEOs, Midoriya Izuku(MHA), Karlach (Baldur’s Gate), Boromir (The Lord of the Rings), Vasquez (Aliens), All Might (My Hero Academia), Jo (Little Women), Magnus (The Adventure Zone), James Gordon (Batman/Gotham), Rick O’Connell (The Mummy), Granny Weatherwax (Discworld), Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)