Weavemarks are an additional element to the world of Elandra, where the Spheres of Magic overlap with the mortal sphere, and can affect the human inhabitants of the world by subtly altering their appearance and bringing out character quirks that subtly encourage their demeanour in particular directions.

Key Words
Workshops, Crafters, Inorganic, Design, Abstract, Physical
Individualistic, Risk-takers, Forging their path, Fearless, Secretive, Competitive, Catalysts, Problem-solvers, Info-dumpers, Experimenters, Can overcomplicate things, Imperious, Never satisfied and striving to improve.

Phys reps:
- Inorganic materials on skin,
- Grey stone skin,
- Cracks,
- Porcelain skin,
- Stone shapes (gargoyle),
- Schematics/diagrams-like symbols,
- Alchemical symbols drawn in metallic inks,
- Filigree designs,
- Geometric metallics.
OC Note: any “inorganic” items bonded to the skin with spirit gum, prosaid or other skin-safe adhesives must not have sharp edges that could cause injuries to the person wearing them. Malleable, skin-safe makeup elements are best.
Optional Contact Lens Colour: Abstract symbology, shapes and patterns
OC Note: No pentagrams or recognisable media symbols should be used on contact lenses

Roleplaying effects:
Forge people are Crafters
They are often building something new
At their best they can be competitive, problem-solving altruists
At their worst, they can be jealous and reckless

Character examples:
Da Vinci, Dr Jekyll, Dr Frankenstein, Edna Mode (The Incredibles), Captain Nemo (20,000 Leagues Under The Sea), Q (James Bond), Terence Fletcher (Whiplash), Daedalus, Miranda Priestley (The Devil Wears Prada), Salieri (Amadeus), Evie Carnahan (The Mummy), Alexander Hamilton (Hamilton), Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones), William de Worde (Discworld)