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  9. Oracle Sphere Weavemarks

Oracle Sphere Weavemarks

Weavemarks are an additional element to the world of Elandra, where the Spheres of Magic overlap with the mortal sphere, and can affect the human inhabitants of the world by subtly altering their appearance and bringing out character quirks that subtly encourage their demeanour in particular directions.

Key Words:

Madness, Golden, Script, Stories, Symbols, Fascination

Orators, Radicals, Uncommitted, Prone to vivid nightmares and dreams, Good listeners, full of encouragement, Gossips, Loves an audience, Philosophers, divisive, rebellious, Metaphorical, easily roused to a cause, faithful, against the grain, not afraid of change, needs change, self-belief

Phys reps:

  • Incomprehensible script,
  • Symbols,
  • Additional Eyes,
  • Metallic tears,
  • Gold/silver/metallic leafing on skin,
  • Metallic freckles.

Eyes MUST come in pairs, No eye in the centre of foreheads.

Oracle-marked individuals often have a phrase or idiom that they dream about regularly, these are sometimes even written on their markings in Valdraeth mage script. This is usually some form of prophecy but is rarely helpful and only understood after the fact.

Optional Contact Lens Colour: Yellow/Gold/Silver/Bronze

Roleplaying effect: 

Oracle people are Believers

They are often inspiring change

At their best they can be inspiring, radical and uplifting 

At their worst, they can be extremists who reinvent themselves often 

Character examples:

Cassandra of Troy, Diogenes, Galadriel (The Lord of the Rings), John Constantine (DC Comics), Enjolras (Les Mis), Jet (Avatar), Erik Killmonger (Black Panther), The Doctor (Doctor Who), Tiffany Aching (Discworld), Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)

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