Realms, Gods,
Guilds and Magic
Greetings Adventurers!
We are pleased to bring you a brief overview of the game!
If you would like an in-depth overview, check here
Realms, Gods, Guilds and Magic. Indulge and enjoy!
The Realms
The 3 realms are The Crown Lands, the Commonwealth and the Sanctuaries. Each of these realms holds 3 nations.
The realms have a shared Alliance relying on each other to hold back the common enemy. As a player you choose which nation you are from and can camp IC (In Character) in that nation’s camp.
Each Nation has its own look and feel, culture, problems and plot. Your Nations camp will be next to other Nations of your Realm.
In each nation you will have your Nation support team who are there to help guide your journey IC and OC (Out of Character) in our game, Nation support are also refs and will have radio access to the rest of the site to ensure we get the most efficient response to your query.
Nation support are also Characters to help keep you immersed in our world and keep you engaged.
Each Nation will have a series of roles that players can attain. These will let them interact with certain game processes and enable plot opportunities for other players to engage with in downtime and influence future events. These roles will be unique to each Nation and will have to work with the wider nation to achieve their goals.
The Gods
The game has a pantheon of Gods from the sphere of Faith that all Realms believe in, Each God has Aspects of themselves that can come down to Haven and interact with the player base.
Each God has many Aspects and they can help you on your Journey.
Every player will start with one Faith token at each event, which is also the power used by their Clerics and Paladins.Faith Tokens are an OC token that can be rewarded to a Cleric or Paladin for good roleplay.
Faith Tokens can be used in a variety of ways from Healing corrupted souls, Smiting Enemies and powering grand ceremonies.
The Gods
The Jester
The Hearth
The Muse
The Smith
The Reaper
The Warrior
The Guardian
The Scholar
The Shadow
The Traveler
The Justicar
The Celebrant
The Guilds
Each Guild will be run by NPC’s who will keep you immersed and help you get involved in quests. Any character can sign up to be a part of these guilds, each have their own terms and conditions of it’s membership that allows you access to their information and adventures.
Guilds will allocate membership cards to Guild members that track your progress and help make sure that everyone gets an opportunity to go on our adventures. Guilds generate their own plot separate from the rest of the
Nation and world plot.
The Bankers Guild
Your IC location to pick up and drop off your IC items safely and securely, The Guild will also be able to handle your Nations projects as well as your IC queries and admin.
Treasure Hunters Guild
Join this guild to be sent on adventures to reclaim lost artifacts, knowledge and treasure from archeological digs to mind bending puzzles though a labyrinth of traps.
Also home to other adventures such as getting information behind enemy lines and stealing from named NPCs or uncovering their identities.
The guild will also provide players with a fence which will be the IC and OC way to drop off stolen items.
The Circle of Weavers
The home of the guardians of the Menhir. Here the Guardians will be able to help you with magical research on how to best use Menhir to weave great works of magic using wild and chaotic Wyrd and give you words of encouragement and knowledge. From here you may be tasked to go on quests of magical importance and study for the Realms.
Court of Daggers
Sometimes some people just need to be taught a lesson, Hexed, or in the most extreme cases killed.
The Guild may take you behind enemy lines to eliminate a target or maybe take down an enemy who has infiltrated Haven. Apart from adventures the Court of Daggers also acts as the law in Haven and will send out its members to investigate crimes and distribute appropriate justice.
The Dawn Hunters Halls
Your classic adventures Guild, sign up to take part in the variety of quests that have been put up from dealing with a local dispute to taking out local monsters. The Dawn Hunters hall will have a board filled with adventures to go on and information including its times, likelihood of combat, Difficulty and rewards.
The world is made up of overlapping and merging Spheres, creating the unique material planes landscape. Some spheres flow stronger and faster in some Nations than in others.
Water is where all seas, lakes, rivers and rain spring from including snow and ice this sphere is where healing waters come from and is needed to sustain life.
Earth is where lush forests, fertile land and mountains spring from creating the bedrock in which life can rest and be nourished.
Fire is where heat, volcanos and drive comes from without it wind and water would freeze all life.
Air is where the wind, storms and lighting come from it’s brings great power and change
Faith is the sphere of thought without it there would be no free will and intelligent thought in the world.
There are four further spheres that exist as a result of crossover between two spheres that will be available at a later date.
The magic in Menhirs Fate is based on the five main spheres of magic Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Faith however only those that hold Conviction (clerics and Paladins etc) can access the powers of Faith.
Powerful rifts from the Spheres can open into the material realm allowing creatures to venture out and explore but without a constant connection to their sphere they get dragged back eventually. Since the Invasion mass amounts of magic have increased the number of rifts and creatures of other realms are more common in our world.
The different types of Magic
Cantrips are battle magic spells that can be used to hinder your foes or heal your allies; each use of a Cantrip spell will cost you an amount of Focus. Some spells can be used at range by spending additional Focus.
A Rite is a small ritual that can be enacted in the safety of your camp or in a battlefield to achieve a predetermined outcome but will take more time to prepare that can be done solo or part of a group of Weavers (Ritualists) more powerful Rites will cost you resources to accomplish.
A Ceremony is very similar to a rite but is done with those with strong Conviction. You will see Clerics and Paladins perform these using faith in place of the resources a magic user would need.
Weaving is the most powerful magic that involves using Menhir to create great weavings of Wyrd however, with great power comes great danger. Weavers of Wyrd and Clerics of Faith can use Menhirs power. Each Weaving is a custom made ritual made by a group of Weavers via a rite or ceremony and the difficulty of that Weaving will be told to you by the Guardians.